Developing "Soft Strength" Through Relaxed Power

One of our main styles of Kung-Fu we teach is called Choy Lay Fut. It is a hybrid of Northern and Southern Chinese Kung-Fu.

We generate power by keeping our upper body loose and relaxed, and our stances rooted, yet mobile. The techniques are executed in a whipping-like motion. It is very powerful, but it is a relaxed power.

This is really beneficial for children and adults, as it teaches the value of be loose, while maintaining structural integrity.

This is the balance many of us are searching for - how to be powerful, but how to maintain agility to be able to adapt easily to changing circumstances. We are also wanting to have powerful results in the things we do, without over-exerting ourselves.

As you can see, this idea of soft strength has a deep philosophy, and the more a student physically connects to it, the more they are likely to use that mindset in other areas of life.

Contact Us to try a class!