Bruce Lee vs. McDonalds

Wednesday's Post:

Were he around in the 1980's, Bruce Lee would have been against all the foods that were mass marketed and consumed by American society. He was the pinnacle of health and fitness, and I think he'd have a lot to say about the dietary habits of children growing up in this time period.

As a Gen Xer myself, I feel the effects and see it with my peers. We were the latchkey generation, where both parents worked, so there wasn't as much oversight on what would be our consumption habits.

Since fast food, and junk food marketing exploded and targeted the youth, we have developed an addiction to salt, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and deep fried foods. These are highly addictive, and those proved to be a successful business model. Thus, we have the highest obesity rate in the world.

Beyond combat, were Bruce Lee alive in the 1980's and beyond, I think he would be a healthful living advocate at the highest level.