jiu jitsu

How To Escape A Shirt Grab

We have a video explaining this self defense move, of how to get out of a single handed, standard shirt grab:

With a single handed shirt grab, the intent is to display dominance. It can also be to control and restrict the movements of the victim. It is imperative to know how to escape this situation with the correct martial arts movements.

I've broken this down into 3 steps:
1. Create the Opening
2. Back Foot Thru, Turn Around, Butt Out, Head Out
3. The Crank

After you understand the basic steps, try connecting them in a fluid manner, but slowly. Once you become more comfortable with that, take it a little faster.

This movement has more of its philosophy roots in Jiu Jitsu, where the purpose and objective is to blend with the attacker's energy, and utilizing leverage and timing as a way to neutralize and counter the attack. 

But it is the forward intent of Kung-Fu that you need to commit fully to the move, and make it flow seamlessly, literally turning 3 steps into 1. 

See the video here: https://youtu.be/ZN2vbZfz5rc

Look, You Must Get Comfortable With the Closeness

We get it - getting in close to your attacker is not very comfortable. But, it is THE BEST strategy! 

Our personal space is very important to us. But when someone is violating your personal space in an effort to dominate you, get in even closer, and get control of the situation!

You are very hard to hit and attack when you are in close. You can escape/defeat opponents twice your size without being a "martial arts master", by simply getting in really close, and knowing a few techniques. 

If you develop comfort with the closeness, it gives you the ability to stay calm in worst case scenarios. Read that sentence again and again. 

Watch this video of one of our female students using highly effective self defense techniques, simply because she is comfortable with being close to her opponents. It offers her greater protection, leverage, control, and ultimately, dominance!
