Role Playing Problem Solving Situations

In our self defense methodology, we take the most common attacks, whether it be a street fight situation, a sexual assault, or a bullying situation, and become familiarized with those patterns. We then apply our techniques, concepts, and philosophies to address it all.

We do it enough times, and also address variations of the situations, or mistakes we might make when applying these, and how we adjust, and recover.

This is a bit different from sparring. What sparring provides is developing the mindset and movement readiness for someone who is intent on attacking us. The problem is, that usually the types of attacks are specialized attacks that are specific to the art. So you are training to defend against someone who knows your art. It will for sure raise your attributes for self defense.

However, if those aren’t typical attacks that happen in the “real world” situations, then you aren’t training the perfect readiness to handle it.

It’s almost akin to thinking that regularly arguing with your brothers, sisters, and friends is going to prepare you for handling a workplace disagreement. When in actuality, if you try to resolve workplace conflicts the same way you try to resolve conflict with family, it might get you into big trouble.

So, that’s why if you study Human Resources/Relations, you learn about how to negotiate disagreements and workplace conflicts through case studies, and in a sense, roll playing situations. No situation is ever identical, but there are common patterns, and you can apply a certain concept, principle, or philosophy to address it.

It is an intentional practice of specific situations, initially. Then you can randomize the situations, and then you can throw curveballs into the situation to address how to readjust yourself, instead of being in a fixed mindset.

When you drill intentional, choreographed drills, and then also randomize it, and occasionally throw in complications, you can develop legitimate self defense/problem solving skills.

So, role play. Do pre-set exercises. Then mix them up, and throw in curveballs. It’s one of the most efficient way to mindfully develop skills.